Using our existing proven competency model or working with your own company competency model, we have the experience and ability to help you develop a competency framework that supports your business.
Options include building a brand-new competency model from the ground up, leveraging our proven competency framework, or even mapping your current framework to ours. We can help not only design an effective competency framework, we can also help you implement it effectively, tie it to your talent assessments, and connect it with your talent acquisition and development.
Using science-based research, we can help you improve your critical people development with a solid competency model that will help you help your most valuable asset – your people.

Coaching is a great way to receive personal and personalized development. Whether for better interpretation and understanding of the Hogan reports or for general professional development, we have a pool of professional coaches who are available to aide you in your development.
Options include:
Individual Hogan Coaching (1:1)
(provided in English or Vietnamese by a Hogan Certified coach)
Our senior Hogan Certified expert will meet one on one with the assessed person to assist them in reading, interpreting, understanding the report in-depth, with a goal of helping them to gain focus and clarity on next steps in their personal development.
The standard length of each individual coaching session is 60 minutes.

Group Hogan Coaching
(provided in English or Vietnamese by a Hogan Certified coach)
Our senior Hogan Certified expert will meet with a small group of people (15 people maximum) tasked with interpreting reports for a specific company to assist them in reading, interpreting, understanding the report in-depth, with a goal of helping them to be able to use the data in their decision-making process (i.e. recruitment/placement decisions) and to be able to explain the report in general to others. This can also be done to a group of people who have been assessed with the same report to be able to explain in a group how to best read their report, thou not as detailed or in-depth as 1:1 coaching, this can allow a larger group to be coached.
The standard length of each group coaching session is three hours (180 minutes).

Individual Professional Coaching (1:1)
(provided in English or Vietnamese by a professional coach)
Our professional coach will meet one on one with the coacher to provide career coaching as determined by each individual’s development plan.
The standard length of each individual professional coaching session is 60 minutes.

Hogan Assessment Certification Workshop
About Our Workshops
Want to ramp up your organization’s talent acquisition and development strategies? Attend one of our world-class certification workshops, you’ll learn more about personality (and have fun too!).
The Hogan Assessments Certification workshop will teach you about Hogan's personality assessments and how to interpret individual assessment results. Once you’ve completed this foundational certification (required), we offer two advanced workshops to help you become an expert at understanding the nuances of personality results and master the delicate art of providing personality feedback to assessment takers within your organization.

Please contact us to discuss scheduling options.