Talent Assessments Vietnam Hosted Its First Event For The Hogan Alumni Community In Vietnam


Understanding the need for knowledge updates and enhanced Hogan report interpretation capabilities among the Hogan Alumni Community in Vietnam (a community of professionals who have completed the "Hogan Assessments Certification Workshop / HACW" program in Vietnam), Talent Assessments Vietnam (TAV) - a member of PACE Institute of Management has collaborated with Hogan Assessment Systems USA to organize a live seminar with the topic “CHTAP Annual Update Seminar" on May 9, 2024.

The seminar was led by experienced Hogan experts from Hogan Assessment Systems USA and Talent Assessments Vietnam (TAV). This seminar not only provided participants with the latest updates from Hogan but also created a forum for the Hogan Alumni Community to discuss and share real-world cases of successful Hogan Assessments applications in human resources and talent management in Vietnam.

1. Latest Updates on Hogan Assessments

At the beginning of the program, Mrs. Krista Pederson - Director of Hogan Assessment Systems, Asia Pacific, shared “10 Reasons Hogan is the Gold Standard in Assessments” for recruitment, training, and development, including:

  • - Good assessments predict outcomes, and reliability and validity determine predictions. 
  • - The quality of translation is important, and Hogan has won awards for its translation methodology.
  • - Update on the new global norms from 2023 - data updated to include diversity in Gender, Age and Markets,...
  • - Hogan's assessments are FAIR, research shows no inherent biases in our assessments.
  • - Commitment to Science - Hogan is committed to kaizen (the concept of continuous improvement): Hogan has moved from the old 2-point (true/false) scoring system to the new 4-point (strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree) scoring system, making Hogan's assessments more and more accurate.
  • Through the experts' analyses, this was also an opportunity for the business community to access scientific personnel assessment solutions, eliminating the emotional and biased factors that most HR professionals often encounter. According to data from 2023, Hogan's assessment reports are researched and developed based on:
  • - Research in over 190 countries and markets worldwide, with diversity in gender and ages under and over 40 (53% under 40, 47% at and over 40).
  • - Certified and evaluated by reputable organizations such as Buros, BPS,...
  • - Hogan reports eliminate biased factors such as race, family, and gender that are still prevalent in personnel assessment.

2. Update on Hogan Report Interpretation Methods

The seminar continued with a discussion and sharing by Mrs. Tong Thi Nhi Ha - Hogan Solution Expert, PACE Institute of Management Lecturer, who updated the Hogan Alumni Community on the latest report interpretation methods by presenting how to interpret the results from Hogan's specific HPI report. With the interpretation method, HR professionals can approach the assessment in a visual and in-depth way of factors such as: Social communication skills, sensitivity, connection ability, motivation,... of each employee.

Hogan has three outstanding reports including HPI, HDS, MVPI which are used to determine job fit and organizational fit, from which to help HR professionals build a development system and choose the right talent for each position.

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3. Application of Hogan Solutions for Businesses in Vietnam

Mr. Daniel Bass - Hogan Solution Expert, PACE Institute ofManagement Lecturer shared with the HR community real-world cases of successful Hogan applications in HR and talent management activities in Vietnam. The expert also shared how to use Hogan data to analyze and evaluate teams and discover team trends for development planning through the following steps:

  • - Step 1: Align customer capabilities with existing Hogan capabilities to leverage the predictive power of Hogan assessments and analyze groups to identify capability strengths and challenges.
  • - Step 2: Examine the distribution of a team on the scales to analyze team trends using techniques similar to individual interpretation.

At the same time, based on the results of the Hogan report data, the experts can selectively apply them to guide the development of individual or team development plans.

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4. Sharing Challenges and Solutions on L&D Strategies

At the end of the seminar, guests were invited to share their practical experiences and questions about the implementation of Hogan Assessments in Vietnamese businesses. This is an opportunity for the HR community to access new trends from leading international HR experts, thereby finding solutions to the problem of finding and developing talent for their businesses.

About Hogan Assessment Solutions

Hogan Assessments is the world leader in personality-based personnel assessment for recruitment, appointment, training, and development. With over 30 years of in-depth experience and assessment data collected from 190 countries, Hogan Assessments is currently providing personnel assessment solutions to hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world, with 75% belonging to the Fortune 500 Group.

Hogan comprises three main services, including: Hogan Reports, Report Interpretation Services, and the HACW course.

Hogan Assessment Certification Workshop (HACW)

The course helps participants and businesses effectively utilize Hogan's assessments to minimize risk and increase efficiency in recruitment, appointment, training, and development of personnel and talent. Over the two days of the Hogan Assessment Certification Workshop, participants will be trained by experienced and highly certified Hogan experts.

This 2-day HACW course is designed for:

  • - Business Leaders
  • - HR Leaders
  • - L&D Leaders (Learning & Development Leaders)
  • - TD Leaders (Talent Development Leaders)
  • - HR & L&D Experts

Starting date: August 1st & 2nd, 2024 in Ho Chi Minh City

Download the brochure here

To learn more about Hogan Assessments Services or register for the Hogan Assessment Certification Workshop to become a Hogan Certified Expert, please contact us via phone: (028) 3837.0208, or email: contact@TalentAssessments.vn